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Sunday Morning Church
It was such a blessing to be able to worship the same God they do at the orphanage. There is no doubt that Jesus Christ is at the center of their faith and ministry. Both Sundays we attended church with the children. We led them in our spanish songs, did our dramas and gave testimonies. We also broke out as a group during the sunday school time and spent time praying and sharing truth that God had revealed to us. 

Sunday, 6/14/09 Final Day with Children
Today we had church with the orphans and then got to hang out all afternoon with them at the park again. We had a special birthday party for Taylor and Andrea....with a genuine pinada and everything. We had a pizza party with the children before saying adios to them. Many tears were shed and the hugs were extra tight. I'm sure it won't be the last time we see some of these least we hope not. Many new emotions were stirred up this week for many of the students. God truly blessed our relationships with the children and staff of the orphanage.

Soup Kitchen
Surprise Birthday Party for Andrea"s 18th
We were able to bless Andrea tonight by throwing her a fiesta to celebrate her 18th. She was able to call home too. She balled!

06/13/09 Saturday, Swim Day afternoon
Today we took the children to the pool. It had a large pool, a large kiddie pool and three high platform dives....tallest being thirty feet. Ryan was the first to go off of it. Only a couple of the children went off the 15 foot platform but they all enjoyed watching the crazy americans jump off the high one.
06/12/09 Friday, Shopping Day
We loaded up and drove two hours to a beautiful city named Guanajuato. It is nestled down in this valley surrounded by mountains. We had about four hours to shop in all the little shops. Most the students spent all their pesos on tshirt, soccer jerseys, púrses, jewelry, etc.
One of the vans was having engine trouble on the way back to the orphange from the trip so we spent time praying while chugging down the road. We made it back!

Vacation Bible School
Each afternoon part of the group has an opportunity to go to the orphange for a couple hours to lead a vacation Bible school program. We prepared a lot of dramas, crafts, story times, etc. over the last few months. All geared towards sharing Christ with the children in a fun and hands on way. The children have really enjoyed the VBS programs and are becoming quite attached to our students. Several of the children have drawn pictures with love notes to our students. It will be hard to say goodbye in a few days.
Very Poor Community 06/11/09
Today we had an opportunity to visit a community that was extremely poor. Not as poor as the community we will be at on Saturday morning but the experience was very humbling. Our van ride to the community was in silent so we could prepare for the sights and sounds we might encounter. It was probably more overwhelming than anything. Most of us wouldnt park our lawn mower in the
shacks that these people were living in. One student remarked "what do we do with this?" In other words, it seems like such a lost cause....where would we start or have any sort of impact?
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